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There is Alleged Bullying of Junior High School Students Happening in Bekasi City, KPAD Will Learn First

There is Alleged Bullying of Junior High School Students Happening in Bekasi City, KPAD Will Learn First

Korban Bully SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi. The Bekasi City Child Protection Commission (KPAD) has received reports of alleged bullying delivered by parents named Azmi Fitriyasah (45), on Friday (6/12/2019).

Tekda Beko Bagarri, KAPD Commissioner of Bekasi City, said that his party will study the report so far.

"We have received reports related to allegations of beatings and children being expelled from schools, we will study the report first to take the next step," said Tekda at the Bekasi City Election Commission office.

In this case, the KPAD will coordinate with each commissioner so that the steps taken are appropriate and have no impact on children.

"We learn first for the report here we have a team we will discuss with other commissioners to follow up on what we will take," he explained.

When asked about the evidence submitted by the reported party regarding the alleged bullying, the KPAD so far has not received it directly. The report is only in the form of an oral statement from the reporter in this case the victim's parents.

"There is no evidence yet, but we will also ask for the related report, but today the report is related to chronology," he said.

Previously, a parent named Azmi Fitriyasah (45), reported an alleged bullying act which called his child initialed P (12) to the Bekasi Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD), Friday, (6/12/2019).

Azmi came to the KPAD office on Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, a former Immigration building, Komplek GOR Bekasi, South Bekasi District, around 14.00 WIB accompanied by his wife.

The purpose of reporting this alleged bullying is so that their children receive fair treatment from the school. Because, P is known to often get violence done by his class sister when he was still attending Almarumon Al-Azhar Junior High School in Bekasi.

"So I came here to ask for justice from the KPAD for the treatment my son got, he was the victim of a beating by his senior," Azmi said after making a report in the Bekasi City KPAD.

Azmi explained, this alleged case of bullying was first revealed when her child was reluctant to go to school because she was afraid of being attacked by her senior.

"The last incident on September 26, 2019, my son cried as if he was lazy to go to school, instead he said 'Mother doesn't know that I was beaten'," he said.

From this confession Azmi went to the school to ask for clarification of what had happened to her child. He said that the school did not respond to allegations of bullying seriously.

Plus when he got a report from school that his son had a bad record. This is seen from the behavioral evaluation points that have reached 1000.

"If the Al-Azhar Summarecon school has a point system, if more than 1,000 points are issued," he said.

From there Azmi felt furious, her child who received bullying treatment actually received a big point while the bullying who gang up on her child was still acceptable to the school.

"It should be fair, maybe my child was never late, had a fight so that the eyes of the theme got points, but if the gang does not get points, instead they are protected, meaning that it's not fair," he explained.

Alleged Bullying Middle School Boy in Bekasi City, KAPD Will Clarify the School

Alleged Bullying Middle School Boy in Bekasi City, KAPD Will Clarify the School
Korban Bully SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi. The Bekasi City Child Protection Commission (KPAD) has received reports of alleged bullying that befell a junior high school boy with the initials P (13).

Furthermore, the report will be studied first.

Bekasi City KPAD Commissioner, Tekda Beko Bagarri, said that a possible step would be to call on the school to ask for clarification.

"From the school we will definitely clarify the reasons as to what later assessments from schools like we will listen to," said Tekda at the KPAD office in Bekasi City, Friday (12/06/2019).

However, he could not be sure when the call will be made. His party needs to study the report first and ask for input from each KPAD commissioner.

"We can not convey, yes we have to discuss it later with the team, we first study the existing cases like what we can then convey or run for the next step like what," he explained.

The contents of the report submitted by P parents, Azmi Fitriyasah (45), was limited to the chronological story of the incident. No evidence has been brought or submitted to the KPAD.

"The chronology that we just received as a child is reportedly suspected of being a victim of bullying and was actually expelled from school, according to his report," he explained.

Previously, a parent named Azmi Fitriyasah (45), reported an alleged bullying act which called his child initialed P (12) to the Bekasi Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD), Friday, (6/12/2019).

Azmi came to the KPAD office on Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, a former Immigration building, Komplek GOR Bekasi, South Bekasi District, around 14.00 WIB accompanied by his wife.

The purpose of reporting this alleged bullying is so that their children receive fair treatment from the school. Because, P is known to often get violence done by his class sister when he was still attending Almarumon Al-Azhar Junior High School in Bekasi.

"So I came here to ask for justice from the KPAD for the treatment my son got, he was the victim of a beating by his senior," Azmi said after making a report in the Bekasi City KPAD.

Azmi explained, this alleged case of bullying was first revealed when her child was reluctant to go to school because she was afraid of being attacked by her senior.

"The last incident on September 26, 2019, my son cried as if he was lazy to go to school, instead he said 'Mother doesn't know that I was beaten'," he said.

From this confession Azmi went to the school to ask for clarification of what had happened to her child. He said that the school did not respond to allegations of bullying seriously.

Plus when he got a report from school that his son had a bad record. This is seen from the behavioral evaluation points that have reached 1000.

"If the Al-Azhar Summarecon school has a point system, if more than 1,000 points are issued," he said.

From there Azmi felt furious, her child who received bullying treatment actually received a big point while the bullying who gang up on her child was still acceptable to the school.

"It should be fair, maybe my child was ever late, had a fight, so the eyes of the theme got points, but if the gang does not get points, instead they are protected, meaning it's not fair," he said.

Not Issued, This Is An Explanation of School Board Related Students Allegedly Bullying Victims

Not Issued, This Is An Explanation of School Board Related Students Allegedly Bullying Victims

Siswa SMP Al Azhar 31 Dianiaya. Allegations of bullying that befell students initials P (13), was denied by the Al-Azhar 32 Islamic Middle School Summarecon Bekasi. The school also dismissed the news the student was expelled.

Sumarwanto, Public Relations of the Al-Azhar School, said that at Summarecon 31 Al-Azhar Islamic Middle School, Bekasi is known for its student discipline book system.

This book is an indicator that records student behavior during education and is given an assessment point for what each student does.

"Every student who violates the rules listed in the code of conduct, will be charged points proportional to the weight of the violation committed by the student," Sumarwanto said.

This rule is known and agreed upon by the school and parents or guardians counted since students are registered as students.

"If the student violation points accumulate to a certain amount, then the student will get the toughest sanction, which is willing to resign," he said.

In the case of students with the initial P, the school did not take unilateral actions in the form of expenses or terminations.

The school has also carried out stages in the form of coaching guided by the homeroom teacher to correct the P. student offense points.

"However, during the training period, the person concerned has committed a violation again, so that the accumulated violation points obtained have exceeded the maximum limit set," he explained.

The school has mediated with the parents, where P students' parents have agreed and signed the transfer request letter.

"This is done in accordance with the consequences that have been known together from the beginning," he said.

Sumarwanto also emphasized, in the P case, there was no bullying at all as the parents of the students expected.

"In accordance with the findings of the facts in the field, there was never a beating by senior students to P students, but what happened was P made one-on-one physical contact with his classmates," he explained.

Previously, a parent named Azmi Fitriyasah (45), reported an alleged bullying act that called his child with the initial P (12) to the Bekasi Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD) on Friday (12/06/2019).

Azmi explained, this alleged case of bullying was first revealed when her child was reluctant to go to school because she was afraid of being attacked by her senior.

"The last incident on September 26, 2019, my son cried as if he was lazy to go to school, instead he said 'Mother doesn't know that I was beaten'," he said.

From this confession, Azmi went to the school to ask for clarification of what had happened to her child. He said that the school did not respond to allegations of bullying seriously.

Plus when he got a report from school that his son had a bad record. This is seen from the behavioral evaluation points that have reached 1000.

"If the Al-Azhar Summarecon school has a point system, if more than 1,000 points are issued," he said.

From there Azmi felt furious, her child who received bullying treatment actually received a big point while the bullying perpetrators who gang up on her child could still be accepted by the school.

"It should be fair, maybe my child was ever late, had a fight, so the eyes of the theme got points, but if the gang does not get points, instead they are protected, meaning that it's not fair," he explained.

Bekasi City KPAD Summons Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School Regarding Alleged Bullying Case

Bekasi City KPAD Summons Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School Regarding Alleged Bullying Case

Bully SMP Al Azhar 31. The Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD) summoned the Summarecon Bekasi Islamic Middle School 31 Al-Azhar Middle School regarding reports of alleged student bullying with the initial P (13), Wednesday (11/12/2019).

TribunJakarta.com observations, a number of school representatives of approximately five people came to meet the call to the KPAD office on Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, South Bekasi District, Bekasi City.

Bekasi City KPAD Chair, Aris Setiawan said the first summons was a form of clarification of the report received by his party from P student's parents, Fitriyasah (45)

"We have already called and clarified, it has been conveyed from the school regarding complaints that came to us," Aris told TribunJakarta.com.

The results of this clarification will continue to be explored.

Aris asserted that there were two statements that were mutually contradicting the alleged bullying that allegedly happened to P. students.

"We will observe the results of clarification, we will deepen again, including with related parties, from parents we will also call again," he stated.

Another step that the KPAD will take in handling this case is to conduct a direct visit to the Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School.

"We will only visit when we don't know when because from the school they also need preparation," said Aris.

Broadly speaking, the school denies any suspected bullying by senior P students who are Grade 7 students.

"If there is a report from the reporter (suspected of bullying), but if there is no report from the reporter, there is only a fight,"

"Because what we asked earlier was about the reports we received, a few things later we will ask again to the parents concerned," he stressed.

Meanwhile, the Al-Azhar 31 Islamic Middle School Summarecon Bekasi after fulfilling the call was reluctant to comment.

They submit completely to the KPAD so that a middle ground can be found.

Accused of Not Responding to Alleged Bullying, Here's the Explanation of Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School Bekasi

Al-Azhar Islamic Middle School 31 Summarecon Bekasi has denied the alleged bullying that befell its former student initials P (13).

Sumarwanto, Public Relations School of Al-Azhar in a written statement received by Monday (12/09/2019), said there had never been a beating action by a senior class against P. students.

"In accordance with the findings of the facts in the field, there was never a beating by senior students to P students, but what happened was P made one-on-one physical contact with his classmates," Sumarwanto said.

As for the expenditure on P students from school, he explained, this was in accordance with applicable regulations.

"Every student who violates the rules listed in the code of conduct, will be charged points that are proportional to the weight of the violations committed by students," he explained.

"If the student violation points accumulate to a certain amount, then the student will get the toughest sanction, which is willing to resign," he added.

The rules of the code of conduct and the point system to the sanctions that will be accepted by students are known to parents or guardians since students are registered as students of Summarecon Islamic Middle School 31 Summarecon Bekasi.

"The code of conduct is known, agreed upon and obliged to be obeyed by all students and parents, where students and parents of students have put their signatures on the stamp duty 6000, as a sign of understanding and agreeing," he explained.

Parents named Azmi Fitriyasah (45), reported allegations of bullying that befell their child initials P (12) to the Bekasi Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD), Friday, (6/12/2019).

Azmi came to the KPAD office on Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, a former Immigration building, Komplek GOR Bekasi, South Bekasi District, around 14.00 WIB accompanied by his wife.

The purpose of reporting this alleged bullying is so that their children receive fair treatment from the school.

Because, P is known to often get violence done by his class sister when he was still attending Almarumon Al-Azhar Junior High School in Bekasi.

"So I came here to ask for justice from the KPAD for the treatment my son got, he was the victim of a beating by his senior," Azmi said after making a report in the Bekasi City KPAD.

Azmi explained, this alleged case of bullying was first revealed when her child was reluctant to go to school because she was afraid of being attacked by her senior.

"The last incident on September 26, 2019, my son cried as if he was lazy to go to school, instead he said 'Mother doesn't know that I was beaten'," he said.

From this confession, Azmi went to the school to ask for clarification of what had happened to her child.

He said that the school did not respond to allegations of bullying seriously.

Plus when he got a report from school that his son had a bad record.

This is seen from the behavioral evaluation points that have reached 1000.

"If the Al-Azhar Summarecon school has a point system, if more than 1,000 points are issued," he said.

From there Azmi felt furious, her child who received bullying treatment actually received a big point while the bullying who gang up on her child was still acceptable to the school.

"It should be fair, maybe my child was never late, had a fight so that his friend's eyes got points, but if the gang does not get points, instead they are protected, meaning that it's not fair," he explained.

Accused of Not Responding to Alleged Bullying, Here's the Explanation of Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School Bekasi

Accused of Not Responding to Alleged Bullying, Here's the Explanation of Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School Bekasi

SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi
l-Azhar Islamic Middle School 31 Summarecon Bekasi has denied the alleged bullying that befell its former student initials P (13).

Sumarwanto, Public Relations School of Al-Azhar in a written statement received by TribunJakarta.com, Monday (12/09/2019), said there had never been a beating action by a senior class against P. students.

"In accordance with the findings of the facts in the field, there was never a beating by senior students to P students, but what happened was P made one-on-one physical contact with his classmates," Sumarwanto said.

As for the expenditure on P students from school, he explained, this was in accordance with applicable regulations.

"Every student who violates the rules listed in the code of conduct, will be charged points that are proportional to the weight of the violations committed by students," he explained.

"If the student violation points accumulate to a certain amount, then the student will get the toughest sanction, which is willing to resign," he added.

The rules of the code of conduct and the point system to the sanctions that will be accepted by students are known to parents or guardians since students are registered as students of Summarecon Islamic Middle School 31 Summarecon Bekasi.

"The code of conduct is known, agreed upon and obliged to be obeyed by all students and parents, where students and parents of students have put their signatures on the stamp duty 6000, as a sign of understanding and agreeing," he explained.

Parents named Azmi Fitriyasah (45), reported allegations of bullying that befell their child initials P (12) to the Bekasi Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD), Friday, (6/12/2019).

Azmi came to the KPAD office on Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, a former Immigration building, Komplek GOR Bekasi, South Bekasi District, around 14.00 WIB accompanied by his wife.

The purpose of reporting this alleged bullying is so that their children receive fair treatment from the school.

Because, P is known to often get violence done by his class sister when he was still attending Almarumon Al-Azhar Junior High School in Bekasi.

"So I came here to ask for justice from the KPAD for the treatment my son got, he was the victim of a beating by his senior," Azmi said after making a report in the Bekasi City KPAD.

Azmi explained, this alleged case of bullying was first revealed when her child was reluctant to go to school because she was afraid of being attacked by her senior.

"The last incident on September 26, 2019, my son cried as if he was lazy to go to school, instead he said 'Mother doesn't know that I was beaten'," he said.

From this confession, Azmi went to the school to ask for clarification of what had happened to her child.

He said that the school did not respond to allegations of bullying seriously.

Plus when he got a report from school that his son had a bad record.

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This is seen from the behavioral evaluation points that have reached 1000.

"If the Al-Azhar Summarecon school has a point system, if more than 1,000 points are issued," he said.

From there Azmi felt furious, her child who received bullying treatment actually received a big point while the bullying who gang up on her child was still acceptable to the school.

"It should be fair, maybe my child was never late, had a fight so that his friend's eyes got points, but if the gang does not get points, instead they are protected, meaning that it's not fair," he explained.

Kemenangan Timnas U-16 Sangat Diharapkan Menpora

Kemenangan Timnas U-16 Sangat Diharapkan Menpora
Buletin Nasional. Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga (Menpora) Imam Nahrawi berharap kemenangan tim nasional Indonesia U-16 terus berlanjut. Timnas U-16 menakluklan Iran 2-0 pada laga Grup C Piala AFC U-16 2018 di Stadion NAsional Bukit Jalil, Selangor, Malaysia.

“Semoga kemenangan demi kemenangan terus berlanjut dan timnas U-16 masuk ke Piala Dunia U-17,” tutur Imam kepada pewarta usai pertandingan.

Imam hadir langsung di Stadion Nasional Bukit Jalil untuk menyaksikan kiprah Amiruddin Bagus Kahfi dan kawan-kawan. Menurut dia, tiga poin dari laga kontra Iran menjadi modal bagus untuk melawan Vietnam pada laga lanjutan Grup C.

Imam pun mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh pemain timnas U-16, pelatih dan ofisial yang bekerja keras demi meraih hasil positif dari pertandingan ke pertandingan.

Kemudian, tak lupa dia juga berterima kasih kepada ribuan suporter Indonesia yang hadir langsung di Stadion Nasional Bukit Jalil untuk memberikan dukungan kepada anak-anak asuh pelatih Fakhri Husaini.

“Kalian semua luar biasa,” ucap Imam.

Dua gol Indonesia tersebut dicetak  Amiruddin Bagus Kahfi pada menit keempat, sementara gol Amiruddin Bagas Kaffa tercipta pada menit ke-90+1.

Kemenangan tersebut membuat Indonesia memimpin klasemen sementara Grup C Piala U-16 Asia 2018. Di posisi kedua klasemen ditempati India yang di laga lainnya di Grup C mengalahkan Vietnam dengan skor 1-0.

Indonesia akan bersua Vietnam di pertandingan lanjutan Grup C Piala U-16 Asia.

Cheng Long Tantangan Selanjutnya Jonanthan Chirstie Sesuai Kalah Wakil India

Cheng Long Tantangan Selanjutnya Jonanthan Chirstie Sesuai Kalah Wakil India
Harian Press. Pada Jumat dini hari 26 Oktober 2018, Tunggal Putra Indonesia, Jonatan Christie berhasil melenggang ke perempatfinal Prancis Terbuka 2018.

Pemain yang akrab disapa Jojo itu lolos usai menekuk wakil India, Sai Praneeth dua game langsung, 21-16, 21-14 dalam tempo 42 menit.

Dalam laga yang berlangsung di Stade Pierre de Coubertin Paris itu,  sejak game pertama duel antara Jojo dan Sai Praneeth berjalan sengit .

Skor kedua pemain sempat sama kuat 16-16, sebelum akhirnya Jojo sukses menghentikan perlawanan Sai Praneeth di game pertama dengan skor 21-16.

Di game kedua, Jojo sempat unggul jauh 5-0. Tetapi Sai Praneeth bisa memperkecil ketertinggalan 6-7. Skor bahkan sempat sama kuat 10-10.

Kemudian saat dalam posisi unggul tipis 16-14, Jojo langsung tancap gas dan tidak membiarkan sang lawan meraih poin. Jojo pun memenangi game kedua, 21-14.

Adapun dengan kemenangan ini, Jojo pun berhak melaju ke perempatfinal Prancis Terbuka 2018. Tetapi lawan berat sudah menanti di sana.

Sementara itu, Jojo akan menghadapi salah satu tunggal putra andalan China yang juga merupakan unggulan keenam di ajang ini, yakni Chen Long di babak perempatfinal.
#Tag : Olahraga

Conor McGregor Sangat Percaya Diri Bisa Mengalahkan Khabib Nurmagomedov

Conor McGregor Sangat Percaya Diri Bisa Mengalahkan Khabib Nurmagomedov
Pojok Pos. Ketika petarung Conor McGregor meladeni Khabib Nurmagomedov, maka duel sengit pun bakal terjadi di T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, AS. Keduanya bentrok untuk perebutan gelar kelas ringan Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), Sabtu (6/10/2018) waktu lokal atau Minggu (7/10/2018).

Untuk pertama kalinya McGregor kembali ke oktagon dalam lebih dari dua tahun. Petarung asal Irlandia itu belum pernah tampil di ring secara kompetitif sejak kalah dari Floyd Mayweather dalam pertandingan tinju multi-juta dolar pada Agustus 2016.

Pertarungan seni bela diri hari ini, merupakan salah satu duel yang paling ditunggu dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Keduanya merupakan petarung terbaik di kelasnya.

Khabib Nurmagomedov asal Rusia, sudah tampil 26 pertandingan, dengan rekor sempurna atau memenangkan seluruh pertandingan tersebut. Dari 26 kemenangan itu, delapan menang KO dan delapan lawan menyerah (submission). Sementara McGregor, dari 24 pertarungan, 21 kali menang (18 KO), dan tiga kali kalah.

“Saya tidak peduli dengan mentalnya, saya tidak peduli. Saya hanya datang untuk melubangi tengkorak pria ini,” kata McGregor seperti dilansir telegraph.co.uk.

Tetapi, Khabib Nurmagomedov tidak kalah gertak. Petarung berusia 30 tahun yang memiliki jangkauan 178 cm ini, terkenal dengan kepercayaan diri dan mental yang bagus. Nurmagomedov dicemooh fans McGregor pada latihan terbuka dan konferensi pers awal pekan ini.

Nurmagomedov pun melemparkan ancaman ke penggemar McGregor. “Saya akan menghancurkan idola Anda.” ujarnya. “Tapi saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua penggemar Irlandia di seluruh dunia. Karena kalian, pertarungan ini terjadi.”

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#Tag : Olahraga

Atlet Renang Mampu Menuhi target, Rebut 3 Medali Emas di Asian Para Games 2018

Atlet Renang Mampu Menuhi target, Rebut 3 Medali Emas di Asian Para Games 2018
Kanal Utama. Setelah bertanding selama enam hari bersama dengan ratusan atlet dari Asia di Stadion Akuatik Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta. Sejumlah atlet para renang Indonesia tampak lega pada Jumat malam, 12 Oktober 2018, setelah mampu mencapai target di ajang Asian Para Games 2018
Sejumlah atlet terlihat melakukan selebrasi dengan menceburkan diri di kolam tempat perlombaan digelar. Tiga medali emas, empat medali perak dan lima medali perunggu berhasil diboyong kontingen Merah Putih.

Pelatih tim para-renang Indonesia, Bhima Kautsar mengaku bangga atas prestasi anak asuhnya. Meski persiapan menjelang gelaran Asian Para Games hanya delapan bulan. “Alhamdulillah, kalau saya pribadi, meski mendapat tantangan dari NPC (National Paralympic Committee), tetapi target kami tercapai,” kata Bhima.

Sejak datang ke Jakarta, NPC memang menargetkan medali emas kepada tim para-renang Indonesia pada nomor 100 meter gaya punggung putra lewat Jendi Pangabean, serta nomor 100 meter gaya dada dan 200 meter gaya ganti putri melalui Syuci Indriani.

Selain puas bisa memenuhi target medali emas, Bhima juga mengaku senang dengan keberhasilan atlet-atletnya memperbaiki catatan waktu terbaiknya. Seperti Syuci Indriani, meskipun hanya mendapat perunggu di nomor 200 meter gaya bebas putri S14. Akan tetapi, atlet asal Riau itu mampu memperbaiki catatan waktunya.

“Itu luar biasa, karena waktu terbaik Syuci dibuat pada dua tahun lalu ketika di (Paralimpiade 2016) Brazil. Kami sudah puas, tapi ada beberapa yang masih perlu dievaluasi,” kata dia.

Bhima juga menambahkan bahwa para atletnya sempat mengalami situasi yang sulit. Karena, tampil sebagai di hadapan publik sendiri menyebabkan atlet-atlet sulit untuk fokus saat bertanding. “Ya biasa lah, namanya main sebagai tuan rumah, euforianya masih terlalu besar. Jadi, ada untungnya ada ruginya,” kata Bhima.

Menurutnya, tampil sebagai tuan rumah bisa menjadi semacam ‘dua mata anak pisau’ bagi anak asuhannya. Di satu sisi, ekspetasi tinggi menyelimuti atlet-atletnya sehingga berpengaruh ke mental para atlet.

“Di sisi lain, kadang terlalu besar rasa percaya diri dan terlalu semangat juga tidak baik karena fokus bisa hilang. Tetapi saya salut, kami tidak mudah menyerah karena ini levelnya Asia, dapat itu saja sudah bagus. Berarti sudah sama-sama maju. Lawannya maju kita pun maju,” ucapnya.

Syuci Indriani menjadi atlet Indonesia pengoleksi medali terbanyak di cabang olahraga para-renang Asian Para Games 2018. Atlet berusia 17 tahun itu mampu membawa pulang dua medali emas dari nomor 200 meter gaya ganti putri SM14 dan 100 meter gaya dada putri SB14.

Sedangkan, satu medali perak nomor 100 meter gaya kupu-kupu putri S14 dan satu perunggu nomor 200 meter gaya bebas putri S14.

Kemudian Jendi Pangabean, yang juga menjadi tumpuan Indonesia, menyumbangkan empat medali yakni medali emas nomor 100 meter gaya punggung putra S9, satu medali perak nomor 100 meter gaya kupu-kupu S9, satu perunggu nomor 100 meter gaya bebas putra S9, dan satu medali nomor 4×100 meter gaya ganti estafet 34 poin.

Sementara itu, medali lainnya bagi Indonesia di cabang para renang disumbangkan oleh Steven Tangkilisan Sualang di nomor 100 meter gaya punggung S10 (perunggu), Guntur di nomor 100 meter gaya dada putra SB8 (perak), Zaki Zulkarnain di nomor 100 meter gaya dada putra SB8 (perunggu), dan Aris di nomor 100 meter gaya dada putra SB7 (perak).

Hong Kong Berhasil DiKalahkan Fajar/Rian, Indonesia Masuk Ke Babak Semi Final

Hong Kong Berhasil DiKalahkan Fajar/Rian, Indonesia Masuk Ke Babak Semi Final
Pojok Nasional. Usai mengalahkan wakil Taiwan, Lee Jhe-Huei/Lee di perempatfinal, Ganda putra Indonesia, Fajar Alfian/Mohammad Rian Ardianto melaju ke babak semifinal Hong Kong Terbuka 2018.

Dalam pertandingan yang digelar di lapangan 2, Hong Kong Coliseum, Kowloon, Hong Kong pada Jumat 16 November 2018, Fajar/Rian mengalahkan duo Lee dalam pertandingan dua gim dengan poin 21-17 dan 25-23.

Duo Lee sebenarnya bukan lawan yang mudah dikalahkan, apalagi di babak 32 besar mereka berhasil menumbangkan pemegang ranking 2 dunia asal China, Li Junhui/Liu Yuchen.

Sebelumnya, duo Lee mengalahkan musuh bebuyutan Kevin Sanjaya/Marcus Gideon itu dalam dua gim langsung dengan poin 21-12 dan 21-15.

Sementara Fajar/Rian bertemu duo Lee setelah di babak II atau 16 besar mempecundangi wakil Taiwan lainnya, Liao Min Chun/Su Ching Heng.
Adapun dengan kemenangan melawan duo Lee, maka Fajar/Rian melaju ke semifinal untuk menantang pemenang laga antara wakil China, He Jiting/Tan Qiang melawan peringkat 4 dunia asal Jepang, Takeshi Kamura/Keigo Sonoda.